

Page history last edited by Dara K. Cepeda 12 years, 4 months ago

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Student Work


1. Read and analyze the scenario and situation.
Check your understanding of the scenario. Don't be tempted to start thinking about potential solutions or to start looking for information. 


1. List your personal understanding, ideas or hunches.

Now that you are familiar with **** you will write everything you know about ****. Describe your thoughts or ideas about how to solve the problem. There are not incorrect answers in this step, just feel free to brainstorm your ideas.


2. List what is known.

 With your team use all the information available in the scenario to list everything that you know about ****. You do not have to conduct any research yet. Just use the information given and write the facts that you already know about ****.

3. List what is unknown.

With your team, make a list about what you do not know and would like to learn. List all the questions you will need to answer to solve the problem.  


4. List what needs to be done.
"What should we do?" List actions to be taken, e.g., question an expert, conduct research, go to a board meeting about topic. List possible actions. 


5. Develop a problem statement.

You will be responsible for thinking and choosing one of the questions to solve the problem.  A problem statement should come from your analysis of what you know. In one or two sentences, you should be able to describe what it is that your group is trying to solve, produce, respond to, or find out. The problem statement may have to be revised as new information is discovered and brought to bear on the situation.

6. Gather information

Use all the resources available (Internet, library, etc) to research about the problem/topic and find a solution.

7. Present Findings

****Determine how students will present findings****


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