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Student E-Portfolios

Page history last edited by Janice Wilson Butler 10 years, 9 months ago

List of ePortfolios and links:


Good example to use as a guide: http://sherihiggseportfolio.pbworks.com/w/page/7965648/FrontPage


1 Luna




CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

2 Salas 




CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

3 Burnias




CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

4 Garcia




CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

5 Ximenes Christine


CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

6 Martinez






CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

7 Claudio



CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

8 Pintor 



CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

9 Villarreal 



CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!





CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

11 Cepeda




CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

12 Palomares


CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

13 Cabrera




CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

14 Perez Sergio


CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

15 Mendiola Saul


CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

16 Robinson  Gayle 


CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!! -  

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

17 Ortiz Mario


CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

18 Rodriguez Alberto


CONGRATS!!!!!  You are done!!!!

Passed the  Committee!!!! HURRAY!!!!

19  Arcaute


CONGRATS!!! You are done!!!!

20 Garcia


CONGRATS!! You are done!!!!!

21 Alvarado


CONGRATS!! You are done!!!!!

22 Mendez
Gonzalez Conrado http://conradgonzalezeportfolio.pbworks.com/ troperocosmico@gmail.com
Martinez Maria D http://kokissketch.pbworks.com/w/page/44444419/FrontPage mdmtz81@gmail.com
Vela Ernie http://ernievela.pbworks.com/w/page/44437778/FrontPage ernievela@gmail.com


Content for front page: 



My e-portfolio has served as an interactive area  to create and collaborate with instructors and colleges as I pursed my Master in Educational Technology. As a participant of the MSTTPS Go! Program my e-portfolio compiled all projects and team assignments that can be used in the present and future technology integrated projects.


E-Portfolio's Purpose

The purpose of my e-portfolio is to document all tasks and assignments completed during the coursework for the M.Ed. Educational Technology degree. This e-portfolio is a representation of my growth during the program as I worked my way through the competitive course work. My journey to become an Educational Technology professional has allowed me to develop the comprehensive skills chronicled in this wiki. 


E-Portfolio's Organization

The e-portfolio's organization allows the user to navigate through the pages to view all relevant products in this program. These pages include project details, competencies learned and documentation of leadership skills required by the educational technology program. Links to all the main pages are provided in the menu bar at the top of each page. The links below also link to the main pages of this e-portfolio.


  • Home 
  • Reflection Letter
  • Matrix
  • Courses Taken
  • Contact Me
  • Program of Study (POS)  - provide links to your menu items and get rid of highlighting.


Navigating the E-Portfolio

A web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari will allow you to view the e-portfolio. Individual projects may require Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Reader, QuickTime, Windows Media Player, or Flash Player. Each page of the e-portfolio is accessible through links located at the top of each page. Featured projects, as well as their artifact reports are accessible through links on the “Matrix" page. Information and projects for each course completed during my time in the program can be accessed through links on the “Courses Taken” page.


At top of matrix page



This matrix tells what standards were achieved with a specified project.  The standards were adapted from the NCATE standards developed by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).  These standards are used to define the field of educational technology.  Below the matrix is a description of each project included in the matrix as well as a link to that project, an artifact report about that project and a link to the revisions of that project.


Seminars and Learning Academies  Attended Outside of Course Work 

Seminar #1: MSTTPA Orientation

3 contact hours

Seminar #2: Web Tools, Media & Copyright Orientation

3 contact hours

Seminar #3: Effective Graduate Student

3 contact hours

Seminar #4: NASA DLN

3 contact hours

Seminar #5: Sea Grant: Oceans Six Essential Elements

3 contact hours

Seminar #6: Ahead of the Future-Storm Fury 

7 contact hours

Seminar #7: VIMEO & Other "O" Tools

3 contact hours

Seminar #8: Aviary & Mashups

3 contact hours

Seminar #9: Web 2.0-ing In Your Classroom

3 contact hours

Seminar #10: Mentoring Case Studies

3 contact hours

Seminar #11: L.A.N.D.S. (Extension)

8 contact hours

Seminar #12: Spring 2012 Semester Orientation

3 contact hours

Seminar #13: Technology Orientation & Whyville

3 contact hours

Seminar #14: Whyville cont.

3 contact hours

Seminar #15: Murder Mystery

3 contact hours

Seminar #16: Situated Math Learning: A Line in the Sand

3 contact hours

Seminar #17: Problem Based Learning

3 contact hours

Seminar #18: Problem Based Learning-Student Presentations

3 contact hours

Seminar #19: Advanced Research Methodology

3 contact hours

Seminar #20: Custom Search Engines & Models of Teaching

3 contact hours

Seminar #21: Inductive Reasoning & Concept Attainment

3 contact hours

Seminar #22:  Clinical Supervision-Introduction

3 contact hours

Seminar #23:  Clinical Supervision-Professional Development

3 contact hours

Seminar #24:  Clinical Supervision-Teachers’ Classroom Performance

3 contact hours

Seminar #25:  Summer 2012: Criminal Forensic Investigations Camp

6 contact hours

Seminar #26:  Problem Based Learning: PBL research, PBL relevancy in the classroom, PBL & Technology, PBL Examples, Elements & Models, Digital Storytelling, Digital Resources, Photo Story 3.

3 contact hours

Seminar #27: Organics and Genetically Modified Student-Centered Learning

3 contact hours

Seminar #28: Health, Nutrition & Survival – Developing Problem-Based Lessons

3 contact hours

Seminar #29: DIIGO, Social Bookmarking, QR Codes and Glogster

3 contact hours

Seminar #30 Advanced Research Methodology

3 contact hours

Seminar #31: Models of Teaching

3 contact hours

Seminar #32: A Visit to the Weather Guru – Channel 5 Meteorologist

3 contact hours

Seminar #33: HalloGREEN Part 1: Getting Messy with Science

3 contact hours

Seminar #34: HalloGREEN Part 2: Creating a Campus-Wide Science Play Day

3 contact hours

Seminar #35: Play Day on the Campus

3 contact hours

Seminar #36: Annual Wrap-Up & Recipe Math/Science

3 contact hours

Seminar  #37: Excel, PPT & Case Study

3 contact hours

Seminar #38: Math Instruction.

3 contact hours

Seminar  #39: Test Preparation I

3 contact hours

Seminar  #40: MSTTPA Cookbook Lessons

3 contact hours

Seminar  #41: E-Portfolio

3 contact hours

Seminar  #42: Test Preparation II

3 contact hours

Seminar  #43: Case Study: Mentoring Teachers

3 contact hours

Seminar  #44: Post or Reflecting Conference

3 contact hours

Seminar #45: MTT Competencies I

3 contact hours

Seminar #46: MTT Competencies II

3 contact hours

Seminar #47: Wrap up: Test Preparation, Test Registration Process

3 contact hours

L.A.N.D.S. Learning across New Dimensions in Science

6 contact hours

Habitat for Humanity and Math Integration Day

4 contact hours


Comments (2)

Jaime Villarreal said

at 3:35 pm on Jun 22, 2013

Revised 6320 and finished 6321,6323

Dara K. Cepeda said

at 6:46 pm on Jul 21, 2013

Finished : Front page, 6320, 6321, 6323, 6325, and Leadership (I added this info to the e-portfolio page but was deleted!) -still working on 6332 and Letter... Thank You! http://cepedadeportfolio.pbworks.com/w/page/44400979/FrontPage

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